"The Swan" is a short story by Roald Dahl. It tells the story of Ernie, a teenager who receives a rifle for his birthday, and his friend Raymond. Ernie and Raymond go hunting in the countryside with the new gun. There they encounter Peter Watson, a 13-year-old whom the two boys often bully in school. Ernie and Raymond want to kill a swan sitting on her nest. Peter defends the bird and ...
In "The hitch-hiker", the narrator is driving a brand new BMW car, when he picks up a hitch-hiker. The hitch-hiker says that he is going to Epsom for the races because it is Derby Day. The hitch-hiker does not reveal why he was going there but says that he is not going to bet on horses.
Here is the audio material of the reading book:
The Swan and the Hitch-hiker
Worksheets to print: 12th December
Test: 15th December
Roald Dahl was born on 13th September, 1916 in Llandaff, South Wales. Dahl's parents were Norwegian. His father died while Roald was still a child.